do NOT stop

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Loose control

After the mid-term, I usually feel sad. I can't concentrate my works(study), sometimes I'm abstracted. I miss my boy friend, my family, and my house. I just want to sleep and enjoy sweet dream. Actually all of these things are just my greed. I have to study. I must study. Since mid-term leave very awful result, I can't do anything. People say "A failure is success's mother". I think that is not to me. When I take one fail, I fall a big sarrow and can't come out. I think this is my big flaw. To overcome this situation, I go to libraty to study, listen light music, read a books, even go to circle and meet friends. I still feel sad. I want to comeback 'before me'. I forgot homeworks or times or classes, so I got minus points. I'm very sad. I'm very sorry to my parent.


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